The birds are chirping, the flowers are sprouting and the fear of never ending snow is starting to slowly melt away. Only slowly mind, there was still some in Edinburgh last week…
Some of you may know that I have been touring the past three months with Griff Rhys Jones. It was a delightful journey full of learning and growth and trying not to get car sick. I am now back in London and ready to focus on my new Edinburgh Fringe show: The 24/7 Club. This week we’ll be filming the trailer with a cast of THOUSANDS! Well it’s only about 15 but trying to organise that many improvisers in historical costumes does feel a bit like a Charlton Heston epic.
That also means I’m looking for gigs to try out new material. If anyone hears any whispers of open spots please let me know. I’m available by facebook, twitter, email and tin can on the end of a string.
New character, Zelda Fitzgerald has already been stepping out this year. She’s really enjoying this new fangled social media…
I’m also now available for improv coaching! For many years with Blind Mirth I would help train new members and host workshops for students. I’ve done some corporate workshops in London too but I’d love to get back into the nitty gritty. So whether your group is looking for a new set of improv eyes to help you sharpen your technique or maybe you just fancy a shake-up, let me know. I am happy to do one-off classes or regular rehearsals, although weekly might be a bit much! I believe in finding what’s right for your group, there’s no one way to perform. You can check out more on my coaching page on this site.
That’s all from me for now but I think I like this blogging malark so you might be hearing more from me again soon…
Charlie x