I'm very excited to be buddying up with these hilarious people for Work-In-Progress shows over the coming months! These gigs will be a bit rough and ready as I'll be trying out completely new material. Everyone will be doing 20-30min sets of new jokes and stories as we work towards our future solo comedy shows for festivals next year. Please come and support!
And... there are two more dates in your diary for Charlie's Comedy Cabaret!
Upcoming dates:
Starring: Thick'n'Fast, Brent Wouldd and headliner Sooz Kempner! (Full details here)
Starring: JustUs League, Mandeep Singh, Isabelle Farah, Jain Edwards, Mustafa Yasin, Thick n' Fast, Brent Wouldd and Michael Brunstrom (Book tickets here)
Starring: Sharlin Jahan, Maddie Campion, Jain Edwards (Full details here)
13 October - Rose & Crown, Kentish Town - Free - WIP
Starring: Chazz Redhead, Ali Brice (Details to follow)

Weirdos Comedy Presents: Murder at the True Crime Convention (Tickets here)

2 Nov - Aces & Eights (TBC)
Line-up coming soon
7 Nov - Aces & Eights
Starring: Michael Brunstrom, Alwin Solanky and Jiminy H Criquet aka Aniruddh Ojah

9 Nov - Hoopla Impro - Charlie's Comedy Cabaret
Line-up coming soon
15 Nov - Hoopla Impro - Factually Inaccurate